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Electrical Folks

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Since 13 Jan 2006
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XTreme Poster

PostThu Jan 30, 25 8:42 am    Electrical Folks Reply with quote

I have an Amazon e-pump that “died” after 5 months. I’m good about not over-charging it or running it to zero.

On a whim I took it apart but found nothing obvious. I was about to toss it when I decided to plug a wall charger into the port that the pump uses if you want it to run off of your 12V car battery.

Everything came to life again. The screen, formally black, all pumps worked and battery showed a full charge.

I disconnected it and it now runs off of the battery again.

Coincidence? Luck? Who knows?


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Since 19 May 2005
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PostThu Jan 30, 25 10:05 am     Reply with quote

It sounds like a loose connection, or a wire broken inside the insulation. When you took it apart you likely jiggled it back into position. The way to fix it if it happens again is to take it apart and try very gently pressuring the wires and see if the problem wire is the issue. The other possibility is that the circuit board is cracked or has a connection issue.

What I would do is to contact the seller and see if they'll replace it.

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Since 05 Jul 2009
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PostFri Feb 07, 25 9:48 am    Re: Electrical Folks Reply with quote

Which Amazon e-pump did you buy?

eric wrote:
I have an Amazon e-pump that “died” after 5 months. I’m good about not over-charging it or running it to zero.

I too have the Amazon e-pump that looks like the Slingshot labeled product. I also recommended it to my friends. I want to inform my friends of your experience & trouble shooting story.

1. Which Amazon e-pump did you buy?

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Since 13 Jan 2006
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XTreme Poster

PostFri Feb 07, 25 2:03 pm     Reply with quote

ToPump, though I think they are all the same if they are the square style. I wrote the manufacturer an email and they refunded the purchase price.

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Since 19 May 2005
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PostSat Feb 08, 25 10:10 am     Reply with quote

eric wrote:
ToPump, though I think they are all the same if they are the square style. I wrote the manufacturer an email and they refunded the purchase price.


I have seen differences in the pumps, even if they look very similar. For instance, the Topump that looks like the Ride Engine pump has no filtered vents in the case. Both pumps draw high volume air through the "Deflate" port, which can easily be fitted with a high volume filter. The high pressure side draws air from inside the pump case, so the filtered vents on the RE pump are a very nice addition. There is no way to filter the high pressure air on the Topump.

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Since 13 Jan 2006
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XTreme Poster

PostSun Feb 09, 25 8:31 am     Reply with quote

Agreed re RE, which I bought to replace the ToPump

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Since 19 Jul 2008
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PostThu Feb 13, 25 5:51 pm     Reply with quote

I've got the 'Airbank' that was sold at Windance before the RE pump was available (also on Amazon as Airbank 'Puffer Pro'). It's been a pretty reliable pump, but I think I'm getting air leakage around the inflate valve (using the Slingshot V3 wings - but it's a standard valve that's also on my Cabrinha wings). It use to be that the wings inflated pretty fast, but now they take longer and longer and I can feel air escaping around the area where the hose goes over the valve.

Does anyone have a good source for a new fitting (#2 on Airbank) or even a replacement hose + fittings? Or maybe someone has a good hack to get a better seal on this valve?

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Since 19 May 2005
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PostFri Feb 14, 25 12:12 am     Reply with quote

allenlight wrote:
I've got the 'Airbank' that was sold at Windance before the RE pump was available (also on Amazon as Airbank 'Puffer Pro'). It's been a pretty reliable pump, but I think I'm getting air leakage around the inflate valve (using the Slingshot V3 wings - but it's a standard valve that's also on my Cabrinha wings). It use to be that the wings inflated pretty fast, but now they take longer and longer and I can feel air escaping around the area where the hose goes over the valve.

Does anyone have a good source for a new fitting (#2 on Airbank) or even a replacement hose + fittings? Or maybe someone has a good hack to get a better seal on this valve?

So you're saying the hose to fitting connection is leaking? I haven't seen this exact pump, but most of them use a permanent glue to bond the hose to the fitting. I've tried disassembling that connection with no luck. So if that's what's leaking, the hose is likely toast. If the pump uses the same threads as the Ride Engine pump, you can buy spare hoses for that on the Ride Engine website.

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