
Since 07 Aug 2006
172 Posts
Bolstad Clan
Tue Jun 18, 24 4:47 pm Kiteboard 4 Cancer July 5th-7th |
Kiteboard for Cancer returns Friday July 5th through Sunday July 7th!
Registration at
KB4C is the main fundraiser for Project Koru who helps send young cancer survivors to wellness camps. Help us help others by having fun!
The 6-Hour Derby is on with divisions for Wingers, Kiters, and Kiters with Foil both with a team and solo. This year we've also added more events including:
*1-Mile Open Water Swim
*3 Hour Team Relay Swim
*Fastest Lap Challenge
*Mulit-Sport Wind Team
We've teamed up with E8 Timing for the lap trackers which will show live results during the race on
Fun Timeline
3:00pm Registration Opens
3:00pm Beer Garden Opens
5:00pm Party Starts
5:00pm Ten30 Band Plays
6:00pm Registration Closes
7:45pm “Above Sinai” Premier starts
7:55pm Q&A With Sensi Graves and Kylie Zarmati
8:05pm Cotopaxi Raffle and Auction by Kylie and Sensi
7:00am Registration Opens
8:00am 1-Mile Open Water Swim
10:00am Kiteboard 4 Cancer Derby Starts with Drum Core
10:30am Awards Ceremony for 1 Mile Swim Race
2:00pm Raffles
3:00pm Rubber Duckie Race
4:30pm Live Auction
5:00pm Derby Results
6:00pm Montlake Traffic Band Plays
7:45 Archila DJ plays
8:30 Last Call
8:00am 3 Hour Team Relay Swim Race Begins
11:30am Swim Race Awards
1:00pm Wind Event Starts (Big Air, Never Ever Kiteboard, or SUP battle paddle
depending on wind)
3:15pm Rubber Duckie Race
4:30pm Awards
KB4C has changed event directors with Rachel Callahan as the new lead.
It is our goal to have as much fun as possible while raising money for a great cause
For more information check out our social media accounts, @kiteboard4cancer, email, ask here, or come to the event.
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