Since 28 Mar 2005
336 Posts
Wed May 18, 05 8:32 am female kiters may want to pass on this post. . . |
when i took my first lessons out on the sb w/smitty from sw, i swear he told me something about how kiting would make your, 'um. . . would make you balls bigger.
i just wrote it off, you know, testosterone-talking teacher goofin' on the newbie, but damn, after a while on that two-liner, i DID feel a little tingle.
Now, after a year on the water, trips to ventana, holbox and spi this winter (sold a couple of my kids), my boys are a least one jock size to the good.
is this a common phenom with the brotherhood? (by the way, my wife thinks its great, but is kinda down on the woodie i get whenever the wind blows.)
jimbo |