
Since 09 Oct 2006
973 Posts
Stevenson in the summer & SPI in the winter
Bolstad Clan
Thu Jun 03, 10 8:44 pm Stevenson - Recyling Bins - Question for the Board |
Posting as Port Commissioner...
The Port of Skamania has funds available to purchase a set of recycling trash bins that could be placed at East Point. (kite beach). We're considering one of the sets that has different size holes/slots and bins for plastic bottles, glass bottles, and paper.
One of the concerns is that we do not have the staff time available to service the recycling bins during the peak season of June through September. Recycling is great but it does take time and effort to get the trash out of the bins and get the glass and plastic where they need to go and then to run it all up to the transfer station.
So, I'm wondering if the CGKA would consider something like the Adopt a Highway program and make it an Adopt a Beach program where we could get volunteers from within the CGKA to take responsibility for sorting and emptying the bins a couple of times a week and the Port would take responsibility for getting the recyclables up to the transfer station, providing bags, etc...
It's not directly related to gaining water access but it does help maintain an existing site in a better condition.
Just a wild idea. Any thoughts?
Tony Bolstad
Commissioner, Port of Skamania |