
Since 18 Mar 2005
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PDX/ White Salmon
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Sun Apr 18, 10 1:25 pm Board Meeting Minutes - March 2010 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes: March 2010
Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Nicole Holmstrand, Pepi Gerald, Forrest Rae, Nate Appel, Janet Erjavac, Nick, Craig & Adam
Absent: Mark Barnes, Tom
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Jake Cook
Joby Cook
Craig Bishop
Meeting called to order at 7:16 p.m. by Vice President, Pepi Gerald
Open member discussion �
Craig Bishop - Opening a school this year, jet ski school only. Craig and Tonia are both doing jet ski teaching. He�s been teach since 2004. All on water land based classes are short lines. His goal is to spread out and teach at other places. All on the west side of Wells Island and possibly Bingen.
Used 12-15m lines, it can be done on a grassy field but ideally middle of the sand bar not interfering with the public.
What do you think of the Marina for teaching?
- it�s water level dependent and the wind is kind of weird so it�s not that great for teaching.
Forrest � what�s included in a lesson?
Craig - 1st class, rigging pumping, set up launching, land water relaunch, power strokes self rescues and landing, everything possible for a 2 hr class. In 3 hrs they can get to the point to riding.
Forrest � News article basically says if the Port wants to use portions of the sand bar to teach then they need to work with the public. If they are blocking the public from accessing the area then the public can complain to the department of lands.
We are locked in the school the Port picked schools for the next 3 years.
We need to brainstorm how the schools and public can share the space out there. When there is a lot of congestion where can the public go if the schools are all there?
One option is more launches. We are always looking at trying to improve other launches. For example we have improved Viento and hoping to look at Roweana and some other places.
CGWA found most of the spots along the river so if you find other place then we can work with people to manage new spots and get more spots open.
It would be great to get some schools as members of the CGKA.
Slider Project update
Joby � There is going to be a July event going down week after KB4C. This year it will be a real competition with lots of people coming to town July 15th � 18th. It could be a great membership drive for the CGKA. Possible use CGKA event insurance as a trade for advertisement of CGKA on Slider.
Thank you for coming to the meeting and feel free to come to any meeting in the future.
Closed BOD session follows
Meeting adjourned 9:27 pm _________________ Join the CGKA! Membership is only $10! Sign up at |