
Since 18 Mar 2005
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Mon Jun 29, 09 11:00 am Board Meeting Min - June 2009 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes:
2nd Wind Shop Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Jim Grady, Pepi Gerald, Nicole Doolittle, Adam Monaghan, Mark Barnes, Forrest Rae, Brett Kelly, Nate Appel & Janet Erjavec
Absent: Henry Rico, Steve Fisher
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Tee � concerned with Lyle and Event Site
Ken Whitemen � Kenja on Nwkite
Pete Goodrich � Portland Pete
Matt Thymes � wants to help, Sol-Flyer
Camper � safety check on the forum
Ken Sella - Sella
Arthur � Mayor of Hood River
Tonia Farman
Lauren Cook
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Jim Grady
Introduction of BOD
Open Membership time:
Jim opens the floor for members.
Tee � Is Lyle dead in the water?
Forrest � We need to get more into the bureaucracy regarding Lyle. Jonah has a friend who might be able help us. The major issues in front of us are Washington Department of Transportation, Rail Roads, Fish and Wildlife.
Adam - We maybe could build a bridge but we would still need the rail road�s approval.
Nicole � If we got it approved via all the about we would still need money to build a crossing.
Nak � Obama is throwing money out maybe we could talk to them and try to get some?
Ken � Event Site when the water is high people are rigging there lines. How do we get people to stop rigging lines?
Mark - We need to keep track of windsurfers vs kiters because they are going to review it in August. We need to be careful and self police each other.
Jim � We are talking to the port to help them get the water lowered by the dam.
Mark � Some good things we have done are build good relationships with the State Parks. They want us to work with them and do a event at Rooster Rock. They are willing to help us at Rooster and a few other places.
Tee � What the status of the dock at the hook?
Jim � We are working on it. Have to get the Corps to approve it.
Website/New Logo
Nicole � Website is completed we are switching it over to
Nicole - Chris from OSI designed a new logo for the CGKA. His company has offered to donate decals for the members.
High Water
Jim �We need to police each other even with the high water we are still not allowed to launch and land at the Event Site. Waterfront Recreation Committee might allow us to have some flexibility with rigging but as of now there is to be no lines on the Event Site.
Diggy � What causes the water to be high or low?
Mark � Lots of things, power, fish, ect. We are trying to work with them to coordinate the lower water levels at least on the weekends.
Adam � Fish habit is one of the major issues. When they lower the water too much or not enough it can kill the fish.
Jim � It�s about money as well. They have no way to store power the they like to wait and let the pool build till power supply is in demand
4th of July �
Jim -Port is in support of the firework show. Lyon club does the fire work and they need the water level high.
Nicole -We should promote going some where else for 4th of July. Let�s post something on nwkite so there is no confusion like there was last year.
Demo Day Update
Pepi � We have a major problem with Demo Day we have no liability coverage. Currently there are a number of lawsuits pending. Marina Chang is being sued for doing a demo day in Pismo Beach that is similar to ours. We need to have coverage before we can put the event on or could be sued personally. Waterplay has sponsored the insurance in the past but it puts them at risk if someone sues.
One of other mandates from the Port is that a school has to endorse the demo �Waterplay will do it. The CGKA needs to get event insurance asap. Each one of the vendors will need to give us an insurance certificate that covers them, us, and Waterplay. We need to have a contract that states that each company will abide by CGKA�s rules. We need to have a liability waiver for participates. There are currently two $2 mil lawsuits from similar kiteboarding events.
Mark - How much liability insurance?
Tonia � ball park $260 - $280 a day.
Pepi - or we can get full coverage.
Lauren � The CGKA really should get an annual policy.
Tonia � And directors and officers insurance which is about $900 a year.
Tonia has already talked to her contacts. Pepi has been working on it over the last few days.
Tonia � For small vendors who don�t have insurance they actually have a link so they the vendors can buy daily event insurance.
Brian � Shouldn�t participates have to be member.
Mark � Yes, they will have to be a member.
Nicole � Are we ready by next weekend if we get the insurance?
Garret � Yes we are ready to go. Only one small company doesn�t have insurance but they can buy it for the day.
Garret � We have 5 or 6 vendors that are going to be at Demo Day.
Lauren � CGKA general liability and directors insurance is a must for the CGKA.
Mark -Motion made for two board members to work with Tonia and Lauren for insurance.
Nate � 2nd the motion.
Board Voted � Motion passed Janet and Nicole with work with them to get the insurance.
Diggy � As a small manufacture not sure if the limitations of their policy will cover it. There is no way for them to be able to provide it.
Pepi � you should contact Tonia and Lauren they can help get event insurance for the day.
Tonia � CGKA needs to make sure the vendors have $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate.
Mark � What liability waiver should we use?
Pepi � We need a very detailed wavier to protect us.
Janet � I have several waivers to look at for the event from other events.
Pepi � Moto can help maybe?
Janet � I will talk to him.
Nak � Are we incorporated?
Pepi/Mark � No we are right now. We have been too focused on getting all the little things done.
Nak � I will look into it and get back to us next month.
Pepi � Jim can you get the schools to sign off and get the permits done for the demo day.
Jim � Yes I will turn it in on Monday. Need to redo the event application
Janet will be the point of contact for all the demo day stuff.
Members dismissed and thanked for all their input and attendance at the meeting tonight.
Motion made to decide on board positions for the year. Motion seconded. Motion passed as follows
Mark � President
Pepi � Vice President
Jim � Port Lesion
Nicole � Secretary
Henry � Treasurer
Meeting Adjourned 9:03 pm
Minutes submitted by Nicole Doolittle. |