
Since 16 Jun 2006
1831 Posts
Pure Stoke Sports
Shop Owner
CGKA Member
Fri Apr 24, 09 8:58 pm Please no tree pruning at launches w/o CGKA approval |
Just a note to all of you who may have been tempted in the past, or may currently be tempted to do some launch site maintenance on your own without the approval of the CGKA or Parks Dept.
I just completed a very lengthy and positive meeting with the Park Manager at Viento State Park discussing our options to improve our kite pump, launch and safety situation at the Viento waterfront site.
One thing that was brought to my attention by the ranger during our meeting was the issue of local kiters who had randomly chosen to prune some bushes and branches near the waterfront. While it might have seemed like a good idea at the moment, those pruned branches and bushes, over the winter, have now actually expanded in growth substantially due to the pruning, henceforth creating further maintenance issues beyond what might have naturally occurred. The ranger was not upset, but was dissappointed that someone would take matters carelessly into their own hands.
If you are at a publicly managed launch site and see a need for safety improvement or foliage maintenance, please either post a note on NW Kite Attn to the CGKA or send a direct email to the CGKA who will then relay the message to the appropriate designated CGKA site manager or park manager. This person will then make sure to follow through on the necessary measures for either improving or fixing the issue at hand appropriately and with calculated actions.
FYI - If you are interested in providing feedback for site improvements at Viento State Park, I will be your appropriate CGKA laisson to communicate and work with for the current future site improvements.
Thank you
Pepi Gerald
CGKA Board of Directors
2nd Wind Sports _________________ Pure Stoke Sports
Hood River, OR |