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Tue Sep 22, 09 9:28 pm Board Meeting Minutes - Aug 2009 |
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes:
July 10th, 2009
Stevenson Hood River, Oregon
Board Members:
Present: Mark Barnes, Nicole Doolittle, Janet Erjavac, Pepi Gerald, Forrest Rae, Jim Grady, Nate Appel, Steve Fisher
Absent: Adam Monaghan, Brett Kelly, Henry Rico
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Mark Barnes
Introduction of BOD
Open Membership time:
Old Business
Lyle � Forrest is waiting to talk to Jonah�s friend who is a lawyer about it but he hasn�t been in town yet. When he arrives they will talk about it
Jim � Spoke to Dan Archenrider (District for the Forestry Service) they are not ready to talk to us about Lyle yet.
Treasurer report
Nicole funds are same as last meeting.
Janet - We still need to get event insurance its $1600 for the year. Henry hasn�t paid for the insurance yet.
(update Henry mailed the check)
Nicole � Should we just wait till next year? Would it make more sense to wait since we aren�t doing any more events this year?
Janet � The insurance company worked really hard and we should get it.
Nicole � It doesn�t matter how hard the insurance company worked they will do it again, they are a business. I think the issue was that if we aren�t having any more events then maybe we should wait till January 1st then it would cover all next year.
Janet � We may do a end of the year party.
Motion made to pay for yearly insurance � motion passed.
Blowout �
Nicole � It was a tough year the forecast was bad for both weekends. We only had like 40 people this year. We basically broke even on the event. All the volunteers rocked we had the finish line dialed this year. Everyone who wanted to know their times had them before they left that night.
Things to make it better next year:
� We need more then one person running the event.
� Better publicity
� Have managers for each station have several BOD�s involved.
� Set minimum amount of people before the race.
Motion made to table Blowout discussion till a later meeting - Motion passed.
Mark � The year is almost over so it�s not a big deal but if you can�t make the meetings then you shouldn�t be on the board.
Pepi � We need to make standards like minimum amount of meetings that the BOD must attend and how much they should be involved. CGWA has a facilitator who comes in every year and works with them. They break down what their mission is then break into groups and take on things as teams. We should look at our mission statement and set standards for our events and BOD. We all need to do even amount of work which will keep people from being burned out. It will make the CGKA look better to members and the communities.
Things like demo day � make it small and only local stuff people can buy. Let�s just keep things small and simple.
Motion made to table till next meeting� motion passed.
Pepi � still playing phone tag with Andy Wells (Viento Park Ranger). We have the go to clean up the area just need to get a hold of him to set up a date.
Year end party
Pepi - Let have an end of the year party at the Sandbar. Just keep it simple, a BBQ and hang out at the Sand Bar it�s will be a thank you to all our members.
Motion made to throw out a party � motion approved
Rooster Rock
Mark � Park rangers talked about wanting us to do an event there.
Nicole � It�s a hard place to plan for an event.
Pepi � Maybe we could do a big air contest.
Forrest � Call it a big air day.
Get some buoys and an air horn. Lets keep it simple and fun.
Forrest, Nate & Mark are going to plan the Rooster Event
Motion to have big air event at Rooster - passed
Schools, Sandbar & Summer Visitors
We the CGKA have no opinion at this point we are just gathering information. We have been hearing complaints from our members about instructors �bullying� them, people teaching lessons in the kiddy pool and blocking access for general public to land and launch.
Pepi � Since Linda passed Lori has been filling in. Lori said they are going off the Waterfront Recreation Committee suggestions. They suggested the CGKA right a letter to the WRC then they present it to the port commissioners.
Jim - The WRC doesn�t have a meeting scheduled yet.
Pepi- Members at the last meeting were saying that there are some major safety issues and they worried/scared of instructors and their students. We should give the Port some feed back on our take. Cori (New Wind) is sort of the lead opinion for the schools. Cori says there are guidelines from 2007 that they are supposed to follow. We need to figure out what are the needs of everyone, schools, riders, visitors, ect.
Jim � We have earned the right to have more turf. How about the Marina? No one uses it any more.
Pepi � We might need some standards like the Slider Project have in place. Where there are areas that lessons should be at. They all need to have bright jerseys so we can identify them. We need signage for the tourist that flood in during July and August.
Suggestions from members at the last meeting were
What if we have schools teach during certain times.
Maybe the Marina is only for schools?
Mark � The �lesson� area (under water) from the 2007 agreement is gone which is why this is important to talk about again. The Marina isn�t used and it�s downwind from all the objects beginners could get pulled into.
Jim � The Marina wouldn�t work because students would get blown down to the bridge instead of the beach.
Mark � Then get jetski and move them out on the water.
Nate � I taught in Hatteras at Real Kiteboarding. At Real we understood that we (kiters) were at the bottom of recreation uses. It�s (the water) a public right away. We had to all teach from jetski so it doesn�t interfere with public right away. I wouldn�t want to teach from Marina. The Sandbar is always changing so each year we are going to having this issue. The schools need to teach from jetskis and get them out off the sandbar. All the students end up building a wall that keeps the public from landing and launching.
Forrest � My wife couldn�t get out the other day because of all the lessons.
Jim � I am not going to support this jet ski teaching. The Port is not going to listen to us. They are going to listen to the schools because they are paying all the money.
Pepi � That�s not true The Port has a clean slate right now. There are lots of lawsuits right now and the liability stand point is bad right now. The Port is looking to cover them selves right now from liability. They are looking at all the paperwork and renewing it all right now.
Mark � How much weight does our recommendation have when we give it to the WRC?
Jim � The WRC is to protect windsurfing period.
Pepi � How much do we talk to the WRC before we make a recommendation. The schools are very defensive of the changes. Kiters are complaining daily because they are scared by the lessons. People want to come here so it�s only going to get busier and we need to do something before something bad happens.
Mark � Does The Port wants our (CGKA) opinion?
Pepi � They base their suggestions by the CGKA recommendation.
Nicole � We need to talk to the schools and see what they think.
Pepi � Let�s get some ideas together and then meet with a few of the schools. We need to tighten everything up because of liability.
Jim � The problem is that the area is too small and we need more access.
Pepi- Access isn�t always the solution. We need to make it work now.
Nicole � The problem is if we get more access then there would be more instructors and more students.
Jim � We need to make sure the kiddy pool is not a teaching area.
Mark � How many schools are there on the Sandbar?
Pepi � 6 schools right now.
Mark � How many own jetski right now?
Jim � Most of them.
Pepi � I talked to other schools around the country and they all use jet skis for their lessons.
Mark � Were would you put the jetski in at?
Jim � At the marina.
Mark � If you were to teach on land where you would do that at?
Jim � The problem with teaching lessons at the Marina would be the bridge.
Nicole � Why not just take the lesson up to above Wells Island. Then the students can kite as much as they want with the jet ski behind them to give advice or get their board. That would be a better lesson for the student and safer for everyone.
Steve � I am scared to go out and kite with so many lessons out there.
� Enforcement of schools wearing something bright shirts and students need to have a bright colored helmet.
� Jet skis � must be a phased in plan, moorage for the jetski, buoys for the skis and anchors
� Short Lines
� Teaching from Marina
� Time slots
� Limiting how many instructors at one time or they are at the jetski away from the Sand bar
� What about The Port providing a jetski �life guard�
� Research how other parts of the country teach (California, Florida, Texas & Hatteras)?
� Keep people out of the kiddy pool
� Must be able to swim before kiting
Pepi � we need to provide something that�s safe for everyone.
Pepi, Forrest, Mark & Nicole � will meet with some of the schools and get a letter drafted for The Port.
Mark meeting adjourned 9:07 pm |